What We Stand For

REACH stands for Remediating pupils with Emotional, and Academic challenges, through Counselling and Learner Support, Holistically and collaboratively.

We aim to create a safe space for learners at Umhlali Preparatory School, to help them bridge academic gaps, and ensure that effective learning can occur, being mindful of the diversity and individuality of each child.

The REACH Centre

The REACH Centre is the home of our Learning Support program. With its vibrant and inviting atmosphere, our centre provides a range of creative and functional spaces for both individual and group therapy sessions.

This facility is utilized by our dedicated full-time REACH team as well as outside specialists, including speech therapists, psychologists, and counsellors, who collaborate closely with our staff, parents and pupils of Umhlali Preparatory School.

Thanks to its accessibility and warm ambience, The REACH House is a haven for personalized care and support.

Meet The REACH Team

Collaboration and teamwork play a significant role. Emotional support, along with the collaboration between pupils, teachers, and parents, plays a significant role in empowering pupils to overcome challenges.

Counselling is offered on a short-term basis for school-related issues or emotional challenges that impact a pupil’s ability to focus. Pupils requiring long-term therapy will be referred for private psychological assessment.

Janelle Hunt

Janelle Hunt

Counsellor & Learner Support Co-ordinator

Corlia Hellberg

Corlia Hellberg

Registered Counsellor

Krysten Blaauw

Krysten Blaauw

Educational Psychologist

Andrea Taylor

Andrea Taylor

Grade 1 Learner Support and Head of Junior Primary Learner Support

Minda Frantzen

Minda Frantzen

Grade 6 & 7 Learner Support and Head of Senior Primary Learner Support

Marli Venter

Marli Venter

Grade R Learner Support

Veronica Gahagan

Veronica Gahagan

Grade 2 Learner Support

Bridgette Heydenrych

Bridgette Heydenrych

Grade 3 Learner Support

Leila Sharp

Leila Sharp

Grade 4 Learner Support

Ashleigh Holtshausen

Ashleigh Holtshausen

Grade 5 Learner Support

Our Friendship Benches

Our Friendship Benches aim to assist pupils who feel lonely or not included at break time. Our Grade 7 Friendship and Care Service group can then be of assistance to these pupils. Hopefully, our pupils will also be intentional about being inclusive and use these simple words “You can sit with us…”