Foundation Phase Sport

Grade R & 1

In Grade R and Grade 1, sport is strongly centered on building fundamental skills. This emphasis on the basics lays a solid foundation for their continuous growth and development in sport throughout their time at Umhlali.

Our approach to sports is comprehensive, ranging from Saturday activities that involve parental coaching to after-school Extra Murals. This inclusivity ensures that every child has the opportunity to participate.

We follow an approved school structure to explain key coaching principles and coaching styles, providing a consistent and structured sports experience for our children.

Grade R & 1 Year At A Glance

Term 1:
Class swimming, Mini Tennis, Mini Cricket, Saturday Sport

Term 2:
Mini Rugby, Mini Netball, Mini Tennis, Mini Soccer, Saturday Sport

Term 3:
Mini Hockey, Mini Soccer, Interhouse Athletics Day, Saturday Sport

Term 4:
Mini Cricket, Mini Tennis, Touch Rugby, Mini Soccer, Interhouse Gala, JP Fun Gala, Saturday Sport

Sport In Grade 2

In Grade 2, children embark on their first year of engaging in competitive games against other schools. The Grade 2 children are selected for Swimming Galas, Mini Cricket Games, Mini Netball Games, Mini Rugby Games, Mini Netball Games and Mini Hockey Games. The rugby players have also recently been invited to participate in a fixture in the annual DPHS Rugby Festival.

Throughout the year, they actively participate in the following activities:

Term 1:
Swimming Galas, Mini Cricket, Mini Tennis, Chess

Term 2:
Mini Rugby, Mini Netball, Chess

Term 3:
Mini Hockey, Chess, Cross Country

Term 4:
Mini Cricket, Hardball Cricket, Mini Soccer, Chess

Grade 3

Grade 3 marks the beginning of the Senior Preparatory sports-oriented approach, where children participate in sporting events against other schools, including Grade 3 festivals. This includes a combination of festivals, which have shorter game durations, and structured fixtures against other schools with longer game durations.

This approach aims to ensure that Grade 3 children develop into well-rounded athletes during their Grade 3 year.

The Grade 3 Sporting League includes Mini Tennis, Galas, Soccer and Netball Festivals, Hockey Festivals, and Hardball Cricket.

The Grade 3 Year At A Glance

Term 1:
Cricket, Swimming

Term 2:
Rugby, Netball

Term 3:

Term 4:
Cricket, Swimming